The world seems a particularly violent and evil place at the moment - brutal force, savage wars, beheadings - and I am shocked. Not especially shocked that people can act in such a manner, but shocked to realise that this is merely a reflection of what is inside you and me.
Most of the time I am fooled by the thin veneer of 'civilisation' and 'decency', and so too easily think of myself as 'respectable', even 'good'.
But in some of the actions we've seen on the news, we observe the raw power of satan working in people, and then I remember that there is no difference at all between me and them - except the saving work of Jesus! For without Jesus, my destiny was in the hands of that same evil power we see so clearly uncloaked just now.
And in all the decent people I know, who have never deliberately gone out of their way to seriously harm another, let alone to maim or kill them - and yet have no time for Jesus - I am aghast that they would entrust their destiny into that same hideous and evil power.
All praise be to Jesus, whose goodness and light far outshines the evil and darkness of satan - and was willing to die to save me - and all who will call on him - from those evil clutches.