Saturday, 14 May 2011

The Holy Sprit and mess

We like to think that we have things pretty well under control. We make our plans and probably get annoyed if they are disrupted by others - after all, when we have planned things carefully, we arranged them that way for a reason. So it can be rather irritating when someone or something comes along and changes things, disturbs our plans and everything goes awry.

The trouble with letting go of the plans is that we are no longer quite sure what is going to happen and we no longer feel in control. How we like to be in control! And when our plans are taken over and messed up, we are left with - well, a mess!

The Holy Spirit has a really annoying habit of doing just this. So it would help to sort out early on just who is in charge here! Because if we don't want our plans being messed up, we would do well to make sure the Holy Spirit is not invited.

So, when we are planning our day, our church services, our lives - our anything, in fact - let's be clear about whether we want to be in control and keep things orderly and within the bounds of reason, or whether we are inviting the Holy Spirit to take control and willing for him to mess things up. We will undoubtedly find offering unlimited access difficult, for it goes against the grain.

Some Christians seem to think that we can put things into the Spirit's hands a good time in advance, and thus obviate the need for any last minute changes of plan. The best of both worlds: the blessing of the Spirit, a well-worked out plan, and no mess! But this may just be a qualified submission to the Spirit: "I'll ask for your help just so long as you don't spring any surprises". I suppose, in His amazing grace, He may work with what you offer, but that may not offer very much...

After all, it's much safer to stay in control, to retain our well-ordered lives and priorities - particularly where these seem to be Bible-based and Godly!

So, what is the Spirit doing in your life at present? What is He doing in your church or neighbourhood these days? If you don't know the answer, then maybe that says something in itself. But it won't reflect His disinterest, but probably that we haven't left Him any room to act.

It comes down to whether we are doing the planning and graciously allowing the Holy Spirit to join in a bit, or whether we are looking out for what the Holy Spirit is doing and asking for His gracious help that we may join in...

But it'll definitely feel messy. His priorities will be different than ours. His actions will take us by surprise. He will break all our rules and push all our buttons regarding control. And He will raise all our anxieties through our not understanding what's going on and not knowing where we're going...

And it will probably only be later, perhaps much later (if at all) that the Holy Spirit's perfect purposes and plans will make any sense.

So, how much mess can we tolerate? The sooner we decide and get this clear with the Spirit, the easier it will be all round...

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