Saturday, 16 April 2011

If something's worth doing, it's worth doing badly

We are often told that if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well. I want to propose that a more useful aphorism is that if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing badly!

If God calls you to do something, go and do it – even if you can only do it badly. Speak to your neighbour, and feel clumsy at it; phone someone who has been on your mind, even though you don’t know quite what to say; pick up the Bible, even though you do not know where to begin; pray, even though your prayers are childish; be obedient, even when there is nothing to show for it!

For then you will rely on God’s strength rather than on your own. Then you will see Almighty God at work, and not just the result of your own feeble ability. And you will know the peace of being within God’s will; and when the world calls you a failure, praise the Lord, for it is true; but you’re a forgiven failure doing the work your Lord has called you to.

You may think: "That's fine for you to say, for you are doing alright. But me, I really am a failure!". There are likely to be times when all of us know we have failed in some overwhelming manner, and are deeply ashamed, even broken. That's not a comfortable place to be in, but in that moment we are in touch with the truth, unlike those who think they are a success.

As Christians we often don’t see the end results of our work, for we deal with faith, hope and love more than with tangible end results. If you want to be great in the Kingdom of God, be willing to give up all hope of success and greatness in this world, for God turns this world’s values upside down.

Yes, the people who choose the top seats at the table are moved down, to make way for the humble. The first shall be last, and last first. And St Paul in his letter to the Corinthian Christians says “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1v18).

Steer clear of success – it’s territory Satan entices us to – but a failure, now that is someone that God can use!


  1. I was trying to find out where this quote came from, so it was refreshing to find such sensible wise and upside-down thoughts. The Bible is a book full of upside down ideas: The world says: Look out for number one, whereas the Bible says: Deny yourself. The world says: work hard, whereas Jesus says: Rest. The world says: Esteem yourself, whereas the Bible says: Consider others better than yourselves. All these are very hard to do, but as you say, it's OK to be a failure.

  2. I don't think I'm fully understanding your post Mark. Although I somewhat see the point you're trying to make, I tend to believe that everyone should do whatever it is they're doing, or whatever it is they decide to do, as best as they can.

    Although people should definitely try and start to do what should be done, whatever is done should be done well and if failure results, they should get up, brush their shoulders off and try again, and try well at that. Your post appears to imply that simple action is sufficient irregardless of quality.

  3. To Anonymous,
    I believe Mark is stating that doing something badly is better than doing nothing at all. If we feed the poor badly isn't it better than not at all? If we clothe the poor badly isn't it better than none at all? We discussed this quote in my graduate class and that is my opinion of what this quote means.
