Sunday, 25 October 2015

The taxonomy of sin

There are several classification systems for sin, but the most commonly referenced include the following:

A Biblical taxonomy of sin:

  • Overarching definition of sin: rebellion against God - as in doing just as I please
  • Sin (examples of): abuse, adultery, arrogance, boasting, brutality, conceit, debauchery, deceit, depravity, discord, dissension, disobedience to parents, divorce, drunkenness, envy, evil, fits of rage, God-hating, gossiping, greed, homosexual practice, idolatry, impurity, insolence, jealousy, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, love of money, lust, malice, murder, not lovers of the good, orgies, pride, selfish ambition, sexual immorality, slander, strife, theft, treachery, unforgiving, ungratefulness, unholiness, wickedness, witchcraft, without self-control (taken from Galatians 5v19-21, 2 Timothy 2v2-4, Romans 1v18-32)
  • Unforgivable sin: none of the above

Western church taxonomy of sin (there are variations, but generally):
  • Not sinful: greed, overwork, pride
  • Normal human behaviour: envy, gossiping, half-truths, love of money, selfish ambition, strife
  • Regrettable: deceit, divorce, drunkenness, slander, sleeping around, smoking
  • Historical, and no longer extant: idolatry, witchcraft
  • Sin: marital unfaithfulness
  • Unforgivable sin: homosexuality

Western secular taxonomy of sin:
  • Not sinful at all, in fact to be celebrated: greed, homosexuality, pride
  • Normal human behaviour: drunkenness, envy, gossiping, lack of self-control, lust, pornography, sleeping around, strife
  • Clever and to be admired: corruption (so long it is to one's benefit), manipulation, spinning the truth
  • Interesting: witchcraft
  • Understandable human failings: deceit, unfaithfulness, slander
  • Historical, and no longer extant: idolatry
  • Sin: paedophilia
  • Unforgivable sin: anything which questions my right to do just as I please