How often do we feel or hear someone say that something's not fair? Well, I want to add my voice too.
It's not fair:
- That I have clean water to drink
- That I have enough food to eat
- That I have a roof over my head and warmth when it's cold
- That I have felt safe within a reasonable rule of law
- That I have good health
- That I received a good education
- That I have a job which is fulfilling and interesting
- That my income puts me in the richest one or two percent in the world*
- That I have lived nearly 6 decades without experiencing war at first hand.
Nor is it fair that Jesus found me and took me under His saving wing**.
It's not fair!
* See or to see where your income lies in the world rankings
** This last point, alone in the above list, is available to everyone. However, it's totally undeserved, and so is also not fair.
The 'baby boomer' generation, born in the West in the years after the 2nd World War and now in their 50s and 60s, has been a remarkable generation!
- "Never had it so good" in the 1950s and 1960s, due to the dramatic rise in the standard of living
- Liked the sound of 'free sex' in the 1960s and went for it big time with the aid of easy contraception
- Ditched marriage in favour of easy divorce
- Invented credit cards and spent, spent, spent
- Stopped worshipping God and started worshipping themselves, and money
- Turned their backs on community, and even family, in favour of individualism
- Came to think that materialism was normal and became consumers par excellence, wanting more, more, more
- Forgot that loans have to be repaid, with interest
- Took rising standards of living for granted, an assumed infinite progression
- Became besotted with 'progress', assuming that it is normal and always good
- Turned houses into financial assets rather than places to live, and so shut their children out of home ownership
- Forgot responsibility, but demanded their rights
- Discarded troublesome honesty and adopted 'spin' and deceit
- Enjoyed unprecedented decades of peace*, but exported war to other parts of the world through the arms trade and 'direct intervention'
- Thought slavery had been abolished long ago, but kept the majority of the world in poverty in order to fund their lifestyles
- And exploited & consumed far more of the world's resources than any other generation in history, leaving an unbearable debt burden and a denuded and polluted world for their children and children's children.
This special generation! This self-indulgent and avaricious generation.
* I am very well aware that there has been war in various parts of the world throughout all these years, including many directly involving the US and European armed forces. Yet it remains a fact that most of this generation has - very unusually - not experienced war at first hand.