There is a dangerous double message in our media.
On the one hand, you are presented with choice on every side and are the keystone of our capitalist economy, with companies everywhere ready and eager to pander to your every wish. You, as consumer, reign: "You are worth it".
But if you listen to the adverts a little more carefully, it also appears that you are fair game for manipulation, exploitation, blinding with fake science and are regarded as a mere consumer, there to be exploited and ripped off. You are there to be sweet talked until you hand over your cash, but are seen as devoid of intelligence, common sense, humanity or dignity. You are not worth it, apparently, after all. And this subtext eats into our soul all the while we are preferring to hear the positive message.
Contrast this with the message of Christianity, which says you are a sinner: your every thought and action springs from pride or greed or worse - yet you are so utterly loved that God sent his only Son, Jesus, to die in your place and pay the penalty for your sinfulness with his life. You are worth it!
It's a shocking contrast: the media speaks nice sounding but hollow words, which have a financial and psychological price attached. Christianity speaks harsh-sounding truth, but with the deepest comfort on offer, and the life-sentence already paid!
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