In a previous post (The devil's top 10) I listed some of the more common deceits of the devil. These would apply to Christians as much as anyone else, of course, but this post lists some of the common strategies the devil employs particularly aimed at Christians. Again, they are filled with subtle or not-so-subtle half-truths, and at first sight may seem quite reasonable; but there is a deception at the core of each one.
You are not good enough to be a Christian
The devil says: "Christians, such as Mother Theresa, are such remarkable and saintly people! They have given their whole lives over to the service of others in disease-ridden slums. Whereas you are a very ordinary person, often confused and not at all special, not even particularly good; you are certainly not good enough to call yourself a Christian!"
Rationale: Putting Christians on a pedestal puts them out of reach, and makes them unlike normal human beings - admirable, but not real.
But the Bible says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11 v28
Christians should be busy
The devil says: "There are so many needs in the world, there's so much work to be done - church services and mid-week meetings; reading Christian books; and that's not to mention the poverty and material needs across the world. God gives you every minute - aren't you wasting that time?"
Rationale: Keep Christians very busy doing good things, in fact doing anything except reading the Bible and praying.
But the Bible says: "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you", John 15v7, and "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength", Isaiah 30 v15.
Work in your own strength
The devil says: "God has given you that intelligence and ability; don't you think you should get on and use it? Don't you remember God told his people to be mature, so do you really think that he wants you to run to him every two seconds about every decision? No, get on and decide for yourself."
Rationale: Get Christians to step out and take the initiative from God rather than relying on and following him.
But Jesus said: "I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me." John 14 v31
Be very religious
The devil says: "Congratulations for trying so hard; with just a little more effort you could be a very good Christian indeed. Now, if you just got up 15 minutes earlier and knelt down while praying, then you'd do much better."
Rationale: This sounds wonderfully Christian, but it is just 'works', and it will put off most people, who can see this is just empty ritual. Moreover, you will be discouraged when you don't keep it up.
But the Bible says: "the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought" 1 Chronicles 28 v9
It's all about feelings
The devil says: "You know you don't feel as close to God as you used to. You should go to a good worship session, turn the volume up and wave you hands in the air; get into the spirit, and then it will all feel more real."
Rationale: Make truth subjective and personal, rather than based on what God has said.
But the Bible says: "‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14 v6
It's all about head-knowledge
The devil says: "How can you expect to be a good Christian if you don't know your Bible? You need to study it in order to understand some theology."
Rationale: Get Christians studying and discussing the Bible in order to check and debate their understanding. Discussing it is fine, just so long as they don't do what it says. Treat it as a academic exercise so they are relying on their own understanding, rather than the power of the Spirit.
But the Bible says: "faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2 v17
Use the Bible to back up your arguments
The devil says: "It's important, if you are a Christian, to make sure that you have God's backing. So, when arguing your case, make sure to include plenty of Bible verses to show that you are right."
Rationale: Having Christians using the Bible to back up their own views means that they are not seeing themselves as subject to the Bible; it also passes their opinions off as God's views.
But the Bible says: "If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them" Galatians 1 v9 (You would be wise to check this 'reference' for yourself!)
A verse for every occasion
The devil says: "God has given people the Bible; that's where the power lies. So what you need to do is to be able to quote the appropriate verse from it for each and every situation."
Rationale: Encourage people to give trite answers from the Bible, preferably out of context or mis-applied. Then people will come to see the Bible as a source of annoyance, of simplistic advice, and will miss the costliness of loving.
But the Bible says: "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." John 15 v13&14
You are a very successful Christian
The devil says: "You are such an excellent role-model as a Christian: active in church, insightful, holy, wise and knowledgeable. If only all the others in church were like you and followed your example!"
Rationale: pride, pride, pride...
But the Bible says: "These are the ones I look on with favour: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word." Isaiah 66 v2
It's more important for Christians to be right than to be united
The devil says: "Defending the Gospel is such an important task that it is vital that you let no heresy gain ground. So be on your guard and ready to condemn Christians who make the slightest error; keep your distance from such sinful people."
Rationale: Where there is disunity amongst Christians their witness is neutered and they end up fighting on the devil's side!
But the Bible says: "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." Ephesians 4 v2-3
Ahhh! The devil's strategies are endless ...
... but the Bible says: "take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" Ephesians 6 v16
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Sunday, 7 July 2013
The abiding desire for healing
I find it interesting that in Jesus' day the most common request from those who believed in his having supernatural power was for healing. We can easily put that down to the poor understanding of physical medicine at that time, for physicians were both expensive and not then very good at treating diseases; the possibility of healing from a passing prophet was too good an opportunity to miss!
But things have changed, haven't they? Now we have a modern health system: some health problems have been eradicated, many others can be treated and yet others can be controlled; not all, but a very great many.
So why is it that nowadays one of the most common requests for prayer is still for healing? Listen to any time of prayer, and it will include prayers for people who are sick.
What is it about healing that we still lack and so turn to God Almighty?
Perhaps it is when we are unwell that we recognise the truth that we are frail and mortal beings, a fact we quickly like to forget when we are well? Perhaps we know that there is a significant difference between the healing of body, mind and spirit that God deals in, and the treating of physical disease that our doctors deal in? Perhaps illness quickly brings us up against our ignorance and impotence, our lack of power and control, and so we reach out to the All-powerful, who alone holds life and death in his hands?
We instinctively know that in God's Kingdom there will be no more sickness or pain, and yearn for that time now. But, of course, we live in the 'now and not yet': we do see God at work but await to see life in all its fullness. That time will come for all who will accept Jesus' loving offer.
And in the mean time, despite all the advances of modern medicine and science - for which we praise God - we still look to God for healing.
But things have changed, haven't they? Now we have a modern health system: some health problems have been eradicated, many others can be treated and yet others can be controlled; not all, but a very great many.
So why is it that nowadays one of the most common requests for prayer is still for healing? Listen to any time of prayer, and it will include prayers for people who are sick.
What is it about healing that we still lack and so turn to God Almighty?
Perhaps it is when we are unwell that we recognise the truth that we are frail and mortal beings, a fact we quickly like to forget when we are well? Perhaps we know that there is a significant difference between the healing of body, mind and spirit that God deals in, and the treating of physical disease that our doctors deal in? Perhaps illness quickly brings us up against our ignorance and impotence, our lack of power and control, and so we reach out to the All-powerful, who alone holds life and death in his hands?
We instinctively know that in God's Kingdom there will be no more sickness or pain, and yearn for that time now. But, of course, we live in the 'now and not yet': we do see God at work but await to see life in all its fullness. That time will come for all who will accept Jesus' loving offer.
And in the mean time, despite all the advances of modern medicine and science - for which we praise God - we still look to God for healing.
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