I find it interesting that in Jesus' day the most common request from those who believed in his having supernatural power was for healing. We can easily put that down to the poor understanding of physical medicine at that time, for physicians were both expensive and not then very good at treating diseases; the possibility of healing from a passing prophet was too good an opportunity to miss!
But things have changed, haven't they? Now we have a modern health system: some health problems have been eradicated, many others can be treated and yet others can be controlled; not all, but a very great many.
So why is it that nowadays one of the most common requests for prayer is still for healing? Listen to any time of prayer, and it will include prayers for people who are sick.
What is it about healing that we still lack and so turn to God Almighty?
Perhaps it is when we are unwell that we recognise the truth that we are frail and mortal beings, a fact we quickly like to forget when we are well? Perhaps we know that there is a significant difference between the healing of body, mind and spirit that God deals in, and the treating of physical disease that our doctors deal in? Perhaps illness quickly brings us up against our ignorance and impotence, our lack of power and control, and so we reach out to the All-powerful, who alone holds life and death in his hands?
We instinctively know that in God's Kingdom there will be no more sickness or pain, and yearn for that time now. But, of course, we live in the 'now and not yet': we do see God at work but await to see life in all its fullness. That time will come for all who will accept Jesus' loving offer.
And in the mean time, despite all the advances of modern medicine and science - for which we praise God - we still look to God for healing.
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