Sunday, 12 October 2014

Does your God give you a choice?

The assumption that one chooses one’s faith and religion is almost taken for granted in the Western world. However, this is not the case everywhere and, in fact, it probably doesn’t apply in the majority of the world. The most common version is simply to be born into a culture which expects its members to have a certain religious outlook and belief system; the most extreme version comes as: “Convert or be killed”!

Personally, I struggle to see how any god who requires force to acquire adherents is any god at all - but if he is, then he is nothing but a tyrant. But perhaps this is just my own particular upbringing and view of religion. I don’t know.

But this I do know: the God of the Christians always gives us a free choice. He didn't create us to be, and he doesn't want us to be, automatons. Rather, he made us in his image, giving us free will - including the choice of whether or not to enter into a relationship with him.

Along with choice, the Christian God recognises us as responsible for our choices and actions, for in his love He created us free and responsible people, not slaves!

I also know this: that Satan deals in deception, power and compulsion, and disguises choices except where it suits him. He also peddles the lie that we are not responsible for our actions (although responsibility cannot be so easily waved away!). Satan enslaves us, ensnaring us in bondage; we are not free at all, for he deals in power, in force, and not in love!

It is only the Christian God who gives us choice! When a religion restricts our choice to believe or stop believing, or does not recognise our responsibility for our actions, be very clear who is behind it!

The most extreme version of this is seen in some parts of the Middle East at present, where one group says we must be compelled to accept their view, or be killed! And yet these people, who deny there is any other choice, are indeed making a choice - for themselves and for others! - and they are responsible for their actions and will be held to account, in this life or the next, unless they repent and turn to the God who is Love!

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